RoS News
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Catching up with 2009…
Those of you who have been checking the “News” tab for current events here at Rose of Sharon Farm have been pretty patient about the fact that there hasn’t been a new photo since mid-2008! Below is a quick trip through 2009...
January: Harvest time for pigs
February: 75 new baby chicks
April: A second dairy cow joins the crew
June: A hen goes broody
September: Another barn cat
October: A third dairy cow joins the crew
Meet the 2009 pig team! |
January was harvest time for pigs Hickory (as in “hickory smoked”), Honey (as in “honey glazed”), and Grief. Grief? Last year, we butchered a beef cow from the neighbors. His name was Trouble. Well, if the neighbors give you trouble, what can you do but give them grief in return? So it was the pig destined for the neighbors' freezer came to be named Grief. |
When they first got here, the weather was warm and the pigs were small enough to cool off in their water trough. |
The newest members of the egg production crew!! |
We got 75 new black chickens that were born on February 14, 2009. Here, Bob is opening the box the chickens traveled in all the way from Iowa via the US Postal Service. |
Isn’t it a tiny box? The chicks keep each other warm as they travel. |
Beauregard and Bob check out the new baby chicks as they are getting settled in. Bob explained to Beau that it was his job to look after these new babies, and I believe Beau took his job very seriously! |
This is a baby picture of “Fifi” and “her” friends. "Fifi" is the Polish Crested chicken they sent with our order. We thought it was a hen, so we gave her a name to go with her French poodle-looking top-knot. When “she” began to crow, we had to come up with a name more appropriate to her gender! |
Do you remember the actor Mr. T? On the left is a publicity shot of him I found on the internet. On the right is a more current photo of “Fifi”/Mr. T. Even though he is the smallest of the roosters, our Mr. T chicken is the boss in the chicken-yard. So, I guess our Mr. T rooster’s attitude matches the persona of Mr. T the actor pretty well, too!
The other Mr. T |
Fifi no more . . . |
New addition to the dairy barn--introducing Lola! |
This four-year-old Jersey, Lola, was added to our budding dairy on April 22, 2009. Check out the "Dairy" tab for her bio!
Our single hatch from 2009... |
We had three hens go broody this year. Between them, they sat on a total of 20 eggs. Of these, a grand total of ONE of them hatched on June 18th. Momma Hen hung out in the nursery for a little while, then decided she was all done with that parenting thing and headed back to the “adult” side of the house. |
Turns out her fluffy little chick is growing up to be a rooster! I guess we won’t be getting any eggs from him… |
Bitty joins Dusty on mouse patrol... |
After moving with youngest daughter Emily and her husband Matt from Arizona to Seattle, Bitty decided she didn't really like living in the big city. It didn't take her long at all to adjust to farm life after moving here in September. She looks pretty innocent here sitting inside, but outside, mice and birds fear her! |
With a role model like Dusty here to show her the ropes, no wonder Bitty's new favorite spot is in the tall grass under the bird feeders! |
Rose Mary: The newest addition to the dairy barn... |
The newest member of the dairy team, four-year-old Jersey, Rose Mary, joined us in October 2009. Check out the "Dairy" tab for her bio!
Past Postings
News: 2007 - 2008
News: 2006